
 Here is a list of the necessary procedures and documents to make the purchase of your property complete and headache free.

  • Certidão de Teor, (land registry document) this certificate will show who owns the property, which has the rights to the property and if there are any charges such as mortgages or encumbrances registered against the property.
  • Carderneta Predial, this is obtained from the finance office and details the size of the property, its location and boundaries, and also a brief description of the property. This will also show the tax situation of the property including the property’s inscription for fiscal purposes, the current owner, the property’s fiscal number etc./informacao/numero-de-contribuinte_53
  • If you are purchasing land, there may also be drawings of the plot.
  • Confirmation from the Finance department confirming all IMI bills are paid up to date. This is an important step due to the fact that if there are any outstanding IMI taxes, these will stay with the property and will be the responsibility of the new owner to pay.
  • Proof of payment of the IMT.
  • Habitation license: properties built after 1951 must have a habitation license. This license shows the property has obtained a certificate deeming the property fit for human habitation
  • Identification and tax numbers from both the owner and the buyer.
  • Power of Attorney and the representative’s identification and tax number if applicable.
  • Ficha Técnica de Habitação (the property’s technical report) this report contains the details of the builder, materials the builder used, who supplied the materials and other relevant technical information.
  • Property Plans: Buying a property in Portugal requires that this information be supplied to you which can be looked over by your lawyer to ensure everything is as is should be.
  • Energy Certificate: As of 1 January 2009, before buying property in Portugal you must be shown a valid energy rating certificate which grades properties from A-G ( A being the most environmentally friendly)
  • Escritura (Deed): This will take place in a Notary’s office who will oversee the process ensuring that all documentation is in order, money has been transferred and the deeds are correctly transferred to the new owner.
  • Registo (Property Registry): Once you have completed the purchase of the property you and your lawyer must register the property at the land registry office showing you are now the new owner.